ANPD of Middle Tennessee

New Board Members and Needs Assessment

Posted about 2 months ago by Elizabeth Yorks in Input and Feedback Requested

Dear ANPD of Middle TN Members,

I am thrilled to announce our new board members who will be stepping up to lead our chapter in the coming year!

Kerry Copeland, with her dedication and expertise, will guide us as President-Elect. Cherese Brooks brings her organizational skills as Secretary, ensuring our records and communications run smoothly. Elizabeth Pride takes on the Treasurer role, managing our finances with a keen eye. Finally, Shelley Lee and Elizabeth Yorks join the Web Team, keeping our online presence informative and engaging.

Please join me in welcoming these talented individuals to their new positions. Their passion and commitment will be invaluable as we work together to advance the professional development of nurses in Middle Tennessee. I look forward to their contributions and encourage you to connect with them and share your ideas for our chapter's future.

In the interest of serving you to the best of our abilities, please complete this Needs Assessment by March 31st. This survey should take 1-3 minutes. 


Sandy Hart

President of ANPD of Middle TN